Hotel Furniture Restoration & Repair

The Hotel Casegood Refinishing Experts

Professional hotel furniture repair and refinishing

Refinishing       Repairs       Modifications       Color Changes

Why should you restore your hotel assets with Jensen & Son LLC?  We’ve got plenty of good reasons and they might make you think twice about purchasing all new furniture.

Cost Effective

First, the line that all businesses are interested in is the bottom one. Restoring your existing hotel furniture saves you money and a lot of it. Even if you believe your furniture is beyond restoration it probably has more life left than you may expect. So, hire Jensen & Son as yourhotel furniture refinishing and restoration contractors to save replacement costs!

Our unique in-room furniture restoration process is not only cost-effective, but our industrial grade catalyzed lacquers wood coatings are superior, applied heavier, and are more durable than nearly all factory-applied finishes being delivered today while being green-guard certified providing a healthier environment for your hotel and guests. Decades of working with and intimately understanding the unique challenges of day-to-day operations allow us to seamlessly work alongside your on-site team to provide an unmatched and hassle-free process of hotel wood furniture repair. As one of the largest hotel furniture refinishing and restoration contractors, we have helped many hotels reduce theirhotel furniture restoration costs.

Before and after - Fall 2020 Four Points By Sheraton, Jacksonville Florida

Maximize your R.O.I.

The average cost of furniture for a single standard guest room is upwards of $3000. per key including all the hidden costs, such asprocurement fees, furniture disposal, warehousing, moving expenses…. the list goes on and on. The cost to refinish hotel furniturefor that same standard guest room is generally around seven hundred dollars, that's around an 70% savings to your replacement budget while extending your case-goods at least another full renovation cycle translating to possibly hundreds of thousands in savings to your bottom line.

If you’re interested in merely pushing back your renovation successfully for a few years, we also offer our rejuvenation process which addresses all typical industry wear and tear with professional results going beyond the industry standard by sealing those repairs in permanently with multiple layers of commercial grade spot refinishing and even a step further by waxing and buffing all the furniture to hydrate the aging finishes bringing back its original luster and glow that shaves years off your case-goods appearance and enhances your overall guest experience. Get back to receiving those wonderful guest reviews and taking care of your bottom line by calling the hotel furniture refinishing and restoration contractors at Jensen & Son today.

Alt TextEnvironmentally Responsible

Environmentally Responsible

Another reason to consider restoring your old Hotel furniture is for the environmental benefits. Hotel wood furniture uses plenty of resources and releases tons of unnecessary carbon into the atmosphere. By comparison, restoring your hotel furniture with Jensen & Son releases next to nothing, thanks to our use of next-generation GREENGUARD certified professional-line products. That really speaks to the benefits of choosing a restoration process over replacement.

In order to keep your new guest rooms looking remodeled and fresh and help double your case-goods intended life-cycle, we are pleased to offer our exclusive annual service contracts with 24/7 care for as little as $49. per key. Get in touch with our hotel furniture refinishing and restoration contractor for more details.

multi-color glazed finish - Beach front wash w/ matt finish - Before & After

multi-color glazed finish - brushed color-wash technique with satin finish - Before & After